Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day--Happy Birthday Tristan!

Craziness! I can't believe the Nicki's big day finally is here! Tristan arrived after a long night at 8:37am (ish--well, that's when the text message went through on Brad's phone!) this morning. He is 7lbs 2 oz and 20 1/2 in long!

So here is my version of the story:
This morning (valentine's day) as i'm running out the door for work i see that i've missed not one, but TWO phone calls from nickster. panicked because the calls were at 11pm and 4am---ahhhh, i couldn't dial my voicemail fast enough! The first one 11pm: her water has broken and now they are on their way to hospital b/c she is strep b positive and they need to get her onto antibiotics. Phone call two 4am: she was at 10cm and felt like they were going to let her push soon.
Well, since it was 8:00, i figured the little guy had already been welcomed into the world so i tried the hospital and her phone--no answer. More than a little concerned, i call the gals at work and head over to the hospital (down the road from work). Well, my preggo brain gets a little distracted on my way there and I FORGOT to exit and ended up in like Robinson facing a McDonald's. Now, does anyone remember Nic's big post-delivery request? COFFEE! Real, non-hospital BLACK coffee (well, i did include some sugars and creme just in case!) So I swung the drive-thru and picked up my fav breakfast meal (in case they weren't hungry, the baby and I would be set!)
So I arrive on scene, coffee & breakfast in hand on my way to room 533. I bust pass the waiting room, nurses station, and knock on the door. "Come in" i hear--so I open the door slowly and see a room FULL of nurses, Nic's legs in the air, and both mom's with smiley teary faces. I catch Brent's eye and nervously smile as a nurse walks towards me and says the baby will be out in just a minute if i want to wait at the door. I shrug and say that I just was bringing her breakfast and set it on the counter, sheepishly.
I head back out to the waiting room where i see the rest of the Wilson/Fretty clan I zoomed by on my way in. I hang our with them for about 10 minutes or so before Brad receives a text message "He is born!". But then it's like 10 more minutes until Mimi (Nic's good friend and L&D nurse) stopped in to see us and said that she couldn't give the details, but that Tristan wasn't breathing very well, he was singing ( a sign of distress) instead of crying. We wait AGAIN for Brent to come in and divulge the details. He is very proud of his sweet wife but still seemed worried about his new baby. Since Nic hasn't been able to hold him yet, they are waiting for people to come back to the room. About 9:30 the mom's come back to the waiting room and let us know that they are running tests on Tristan. The are crying as they talk about it, but still have huge smiles that nothing will dim. I have to head back to work, so I give Pam my number and she promises to call with an update.

More later...


Unknown said...

Congrats on your little boy :) How cute!!! I guess we were all wrong! least most of us :)

lauren said...

I'm glad to hear some details! I'm dyin' here!! Update soon!